-- Table DB module --[[ The MIT License (MIT) Copyright (c) 2014 Milind Gupta milind.gupta@gmail.com Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ]] --[[tableDB is a lua module that adds an abstraction layer over sqlite database. With some minor effort it may be extended to other databases as well. Using this module you need no knowledge of sqlite or SQL at all. If you want to store data in Lua tables, this module helps map your lua data tables automatically to an sqlite database and manages the accesses to the database automatically. So why do it this way? What are the advantages over just using Lua Tables and storing them in text files directly? Here are some: This approach is more scalable since a relational database is much more scalable as opposed to storing Lua tables in files When you read the Lua table it is fully loaded in the memory. For this approach it only loads the accessed data into the tables so it can handle large amounts of data without loading the entire thing in memory It gives you the best of both worlds since whatever you want to store in Lua tables gets mapped to your own database without dealing with the complexities of designing the database tables yourself or learning the SQL to manipulate them. All table manipulations are automatically mapped to the database when it is saved. It handles any Lua table that has a number or a string as a key and has a table, number, string or boolean as a value. This set can accommodate majority of data storage tables one can imagine in Lua and more by manipulating those to this set in lua itself. To begin with you create your storage database by giving the module a template of your table which is almost like giving it a sample of the table you want to store in the database. The module creates the database using the template table and returns you the empty lua table which you use as a normal Lua table to store or retrieve your values, while the module automatically syncs the data between that and the database. To best understand it let us look at some examples below. ]] -- Milind Gupta 3/31/2014 -- To use and documentation look at http://www.amved.com/milindsweb/tableDB.html local luasql = require "luasql.sqlite3" -- Include sqlite3 module local metaIndex, getTable, getLen -- Override ipairs local ipairs_copy = ipairs ipairs = function(tab) local mt = getmetatable(tab) if mt and mt.__index and mt.__index == metaIndex then -- tab is the invariant state return function(tab,prevIndex) return prevIndex+1,tab[prevIndex+1] end, tab, 0 else return ipairs_copy(tab) end end -- Override pairs local pairs_copy = pairs pairs = function(tab) local mt = getmetatable(tab) if mt and mt.__index and mt.__index == metaIndex then local function comp(a,b) return tostring(a) tostring(prevKey) then return keys[k],t[keys[k]] end end end end, tab, nil else return pairs_copy(tab) end end local modname = ... local os = os local io = io local require = require local luasql = luasql local pairs = pairs_copy local ipairs = ipairs_copy local type = type local tostring = tostring local getmetatable = getmetatable local setmetatable = setmetatable local error = error local string = string local rawset = rawset local assert = assert local loadstring = loadstring local tonumber = tonumber local collectgarbage = collectgarbage local setfenv = setfenv -- Override the pairs and ipairs functions --############################################################## ---------------------------------------------------------- --module(modname) -- NOT USING THE module KEYWORD SINCE IT DOES THIS ALSO _G[modname] = M local M = {} package.loaded[modname] = M setfenv(1,M) ---------------------------------------------------------- local env, metaNewIndex, tableToString env = luasql.sqlite3() local preName = "__T_" local enforceTYPES = false local cache cache = { -- Cache to store all changes without modifying the database. The changes are written to the database when the save command is given -- The structure of the cache table is: -- Keys are record IDs in the format they are stored in the metatable i.e. ID:TableName -- For each key is a table which contains key value pairs -- The key is a number or a string corresponding to the column name of the table -- The value can be number, string, boolean, table -- If we don't do the read/write cache method and write everything in the tables then the read and write cache gets mashed into the table as one and everthing that was also just read is also -- rewritten to the tables so simpleElementArrays end up deleting and re-writing the elements just just incrementing the IDs unnecessarily. readDB = function(ID,k,conn,readCache,writeCache,setNil) local id,tabName, colName, colType, curr, rec, dbmng id,tabName = ID:match("(.-):(.+)") curr = conn:execute("SELECT * FROM "..tabName.." WHERE "..preName.."ID="..id..";") if not curr then return nil,"Invalid ID:Table Name: "..ID end rec = curr:fetch({},"a") if not rec then return nil,"Invalid ID:Table Name: "..ID end -- Get the type of the data requested from DBMANAGE table and if the requested table has an array curr = conn:execute("SELECT Columns,Array FROM "..preName.."DBMANAGE WHERE TableName='"..tabName.."';") if not curr then return nil,"Cannot query DBMANAGE for table Name: "..tabName end dbmng = curr:fetch({},"a") -- DBMANAGE record of the table if not dbmng then return nil,"Cannot query DBMANAGE for table Name: "..tabName end -- Now get the data from rec if type(k) == "number" and (not dbmng.Array or (k<1 and dbmng.Array)) then -- This is a simple numerical index colName = preName..tostring(k) colType = dbmng.Columns:match(colName..":(.-);",1) -- NOTE: if colName is not found in columns i.e. it may be in HOOKS then colType will be nil elseif type(k) == "string" then -- This is a simple string key colName = k colType = dbmng.Columns:match(colName..":(.-);",1) -- NOTE: if colName is not found in columns i.e. it may be in HOOKS then colType will be nil else -- This is an Array index i.e. a number key which points to an Array colName = preName.."ARRAY" colType = "Array" end -- Make the readCache ready to store the read value if not readCache[ID] then readCache[ID] = {} end local doHOOKS -- To indicate whether the HOOKS need to be evaluated if colType == "number" then if rec[colName] then readCache[ID][k] = tonumber(rec[colName]) return tonumber(rec[colName]) else if not enforceTYPES then doHOOKS = true else return nil end end elseif colType == "boolean" then if rec[colName] then if rec[colName] ~= '0' then readCache[ID][k] = true return true else readCache[ID][k] = false return false end else if not enforceTYPES then doHOOKS = true else return nil end end elseif colType == "string" then if rec[colName] then readCache[ID][k] = rec[colName] return rec[colName] else if not enforceTYPES then doHOOKS = true else return nil end end elseif colType and colType:sub(1,5) == "table" then if rec[colName] then local t = {} -- table to pass on local metaT = {ID = rec[colName], __index = metaIndex, __newindex=metaNewIndex,__len=getLen,conn=conn,rc=readCache,wc=writeCache,sn=setNil} setmetatable(t,metaT) readCache[ID][k] = t return t else if not enforceTYPES then doHOOKS = true else return nil end end elseif colType == "Array" then curr = conn:execute("SELECT CHILDID FROM "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS WHERE PARENTID='"..ID.."' AND SEQNO='"..tostring(k).."';") if not curr then return nil, "Cannot read from ARRAYELEMENTS table" end local arrElem = curr:fetch({},"a") if arrElem and not arrElem.CHILDID then -- Could not find any record if not enforceTYPES then doHOOKS = true else return nil end else -- Now to check if the array element is a simple element or a table local arrElemID, arrElemTab, simp arrElemID,arrElemTab = arrElem.CHILDID:match("(.-):(.+)") curr = conn:execute("SELECT SimpleElementArray,Columns FROM "..preName.."DBMANAGE WHERE TableName='"..arrElemTab.."';") if not curr then return nil,"Cannot read from DBMANAGE table" end simp = curr:fetch({},"a") if simp and simp.SimpleElementArray then -- NOTE: A simple Element array record does not have HOOKS curr = conn:execute("SELECT "..preName.."ELEM FROM "..arrElemTab.." WHERE "..preName.."ID="..arrElemID..";") if not curr then return nil,"Cannot read from table:"..arrElemTab end arrElem = curr:fetch({},"a") if not arrElem then return nil,"No entry in table:"..arrElemTab.." for ID="..arrElemID.." linked in the ARRAYELEMENTS table. Database Corrupt!" end local colType colType = simp.Columns:match(preName.."ELEM:(.-);") if colType == "string" then readCache[ID][k] = arrElem[preName.."ELEM"] return arrElem[preName.."ELEM"] elseif colType == "boolean" then if arrElem[preName.."ELEM"] == "0" then readCache[ID][k] = false return false else readCache[ID][k] = true return true end elseif colType == "number" then readCache[ID][k] = tonumber(arrElem[preName.."ELEM"]) return tonumber(arrElem[preName.."ELEM"]) else return nil,"Wrong column type for element column in table:"..arrElemTab end -- if colType == "string" then ends else local t = {} local metaT = {ID = arrElem.CHILDID, __index = metaIndex, __newindex=metaNewIndex,__len=getLen,conn=conn,rc=readCache,wc=writeCache,sn=setNil} setmetatable(t,metaT) readCache[ID][k] = t return t end end -- if not arrElem.CHILDID then ends elseif not colType then if not enforceTYPES then doHOOKS = true else return nil end else -- Wrong data type return nil,"Wrong Data Type in DBMANAGE in table entry for:"..tabName end if doHOOKS then -- Look into HOOKS here if rec[preName.."HOOKS"] then local f,message = loadstring(rec[preName.."HOOKS"]) if not f then return nil,"Database Corrupted: Cannot compile HOOKS" end local safeenv = {metaIndex = metaIndex, metaNewIndex = metaNewIndex,getLen=getLen,conn=conn,rc=readCache,wc=writeCache,sn=setNil} setmetatable(safeenv,{__index = _G}) setfenv(f,safeenv) f() if safeenv.t0[k] then readCache[ID][k] = safeenv.t0[k] return safeenv.t0[k] else return nil end end end end, -- readDB ends -- Function to recursively process a HOOK table for any database linked tables flattenHookTable = function(t,tablesAdded,hooks,gbgCheck,conn,setNil) for k,v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == "table" then -- Check if this is a linked table local found for i = 1,#tablesAdded do if v == tablesAdded[i][1] then found = true -- created the linked table and replace here local lt = {} local mt = {ID=tablesAdded[i][2],__index = metaIndex, __newindex = metaNewIndex, conn=conn} setmetatable(lt,mt) t[k] = lt break end end if not found then local mt = getmetatable(v) if mt and mt.__index and mt.__index == metaIndex then local ret,msg = cache.writeTable(mt.ID,v,tablesAdded,hooks,gbgCheck,conn,setNil) if not ret then return nil,msg end else local ret,msg = cache.flattenHookTable(v,tablesAdded,hooks,gbgCheck,conn,setNil) if not ret then return nil,msg end end end end end return t end, -- flattenHookTable ends -- recursive function to write a table into the database writeTable = function(id,t,tablesAdded,hooks,gbgCheck,conn,setNil) local rid,tabName rid,tabName = id:match("(.-):(.+)") local col = conn:execute("SELECT Columns,Array FROM "..preName.."DBMANAGE WHERE TableName='"..tabName.."';") if not col then return nil,"Invalid Table Name in id" end local row = col:fetch({},"a") --DBMANAGE row for this id table if not row then return nil,"No entry in DBMANAGE table for the table:"..tabName end local recData = {} -- Record Data that can be written to the record local tabs = {} -- to store the keys that have table values in the t table. Only keys which are not array indices -- This helps to track which tables have been handled and so recData stores its string IDs which is different than if recData had a normal string value -- First handle all table values so that the whole thing becomes a case of simple values for k,v in pairs(t) do if type(v) == "table" then if type(k) == "number" and k>0 and row.Array and row.Array ~= '0' then -- This is an Array element -- Get the original linked item in this place and place it in the gbgCheck if there is one local prevRec col = conn:execute("SELECT CHILDID FROM "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS WHERE PARENTID='"..id.."' AND SEQNO='"..tostring(k).."';") if not col then return nil,"Cannot read from table ARRAYELEMENTS" end local arrElem = col:fetch({},"a") if arrElem and arrElem.CHILDID then prevRec = true local found for i = 1,#gbgCheck do if gbgCheck[i] == arrElem.CHILDID then found = true break end end if not found then gbgCheck[#gbgCheck+1] = arrElem.CHILDID end end -- v a linked table? local mt = getmetatable(v) if mt and mt.__index and mt.__index == metaIndex then -- This is a linked table so the entry just goes into the ARRAYELEMENTS table if prevRec then col = conn:execute("UPDATE "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS SET CHILDID='"..mt.ID.."' WHERE PARENTID='"..id.."' AND SEQNO="..tostring(k)..";") else col = conn:execute("INSERT INTO "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS(PARENTID, CHILDID, SEQNO) VALUES ('"..id.."','"..mt.ID.."',"..tostring(k)..");") end if not col then return nil,"Cannot write into the ARRAYELEMENTS table" end -- Recurse to write the data in this table as well local ret,msg = cache.writeTable(mt.ID,v,tablesAdded,hooks,gbgCheck,conn,setNil) if not ret then return nil,msg end else if tonumber(row.Array) == 1 then -- No specific table was specified -- Not a linked table so the table will be possibly hooked if not hooks[id] then hooks[id] = {} end local ret,msg = cache.flattenHookTable(v,tablesAdded,hooks,gbgCheck,conn,setNil) if not ret then return nil,msg end hooks[id][k] = ret if prevRec then -- Delete the element col = conn:execute("DELETE FROM "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS WHERE PARENTID='"..id.."' AND SEQNO='"..tostring(k).."';") if not col then return nil,"Cannot delete row from table ARRAYELEMENTS" end end else -- This goes into a specific table -- Get one column name for the destination table col = conn:execute("SELECT Columns,SimpleElementArray FROM "..preName.."DBMANAGE WHERE TableName='"..row.Array.."';") if not col then return nil,"Cannot read DBMANAGE table" end local arrTab = col:fetch({},"a") if not arrTab or not arrTab.Columns then return nil,"Wrong table name give:"..row.Array end -- Check if this is a SimpleElementArray definition since then it won't have HOOKS if arrTab.SimpleElementArray then -- This table goes into HOOKS if not hooks[id] then hooks[id] = {} end local ret,msg = cache.flattenHookTable(v,tablesAdded,hooks, gbgCheck,conn,setNil) if not ret then return nil,msg end hooks[id][k] = ret if prevRec then -- Delete the element col = conn:execute("DELETE FROM "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS WHERE PARENTID='"..id.."' AND SEQNO='"..tostring(k).."';") if not col then return nil,"Cannot delete row from table ARRAYELEMENTS" end end else -- -- Pick the first column name -- local colName = arrTab.Columns:match("(.-):") -- Add a record in the table row.Array -- col = conn:execute("INSERT INTO "..row.Array.."("..colName..") VALUES (NULL);") col = conn:execute("INSERT INTO "..row.Array.." DEFAULT VALUES;") if not col then return nil,"Cannot write into table: "..arrTab end conn:commit() col = conn:execute("SELECT last_insert_rowid();") if not col then return nil,"Cannot get the last written record's row ID" end arrTab = col:fetch({},"a") if not arrTab then return nil,"Cannot get the last written record's row ID" end tablesAdded[#tablesAdded+1] = {v,arrTab["last_insert_rowid()"]..":"..row.Array} local ret,msg = cache.writeTable(arrTab["last_insert_rowid()"]..":"..row.Array,v,tablesAdded,hooks,gbgCheck,conn,setNil) if not ret then return nil,msg end if prevRec then col = conn:execute("UPDATE "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS SET CHILDID='"..arrTab["last_insert_rowid()"]..":"..row.Array.."' WHERE PARENTID='"..id.."' AND SEQNO="..tostring(k)..";") else col = conn:execute("INSERT INTO "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS(PARENTID, CHILDID, SEQNO) VALUES ('"..id.."','"..arrTab["last_insert_rowid()"]..":"..row.Array.."',"..tostring(k)..");") end if not col then return nil,"Cannot write into the ARRAYELEMENTS table" end end -- if arrTab.SimpleElementArray then ends end -- if tonumber(row.Array) == 1 then ends end -- if mt and mt.__index and mt.__index == metaIndex then ends else -- Not an array element i.e. a simple string or number key local key if type(k) == "string" then -- String Index key = k else -- Simple Numerical index key = preName..tostring(k) end -- Get the original element type local elemType = row.Columns:match(key..":(.-);") if not elemType or not elemType:sub(1,5) == "table" then -- This key does not exist or it is not table type so this has to go into hooks if not hooks[id] then hooks[id] = {} end -- v a linked table? local mt = getmetatable(v) if mt and mt.__index and mt.__index == metaIndex then hooks[id][key] = v -- Write the rest of the keys in the table local ret,msg = cache.writeTable(mt.ID,v,tablesAdded,hooks,gbgCheck,conn,setNil) if not ret then return nil,msg end else local ret,msg = cache.flattenHookTable(v,tablesAdded,hooks,gbgCheck,conn,setNil) if not ret then return nil,msg end hooks[id][key] = ret end if elemType then -- Nullify the element in the record here so that the access to it will point to the hooks col = conn:execute("UPDATE "..tabName.." SET "..key.."=NULL WHERE "..preName.."ID="..rid..";") if not col then return nil,"Cannot write the record table:"..tabName.." for ID:"..rid end end else -- elemType:sub(1,5) == "table" -- This key has a type table -- check if some record was already linked then store it in gbgCheck col = conn:execute("SELECT * FROM "..tabName.." WHERE "..preName.."ID="..rid..";") if not col then return nil,"Cannot read the record table:"..tabName.." for ID:"..rid end local rec = col:fetch({},"a") if rec and rec[key] then local found for i = 1,#gbgCheck do if gbgCheck[i] == rec[key] then found = true break end end if not found then gbgCheck[#gbgCheck+1] = rec[key] end -- No need to nullify the element here since recData gets a value and if it is not the right type then the element is nullified in the record write loop end -- is v a linked table local mt = getmetatable(v) if mt and mt.__index and mt.__index == metaIndex then recData[key] = mt.ID tabs[#tabs+1] = key -- Write the rest of the keys in the table local ret,msg = cache.writeTable(mt.ID,v,tablesAdded,hooks,gbgCheck,conn,setNil) if not ret then return nil,msg end else -- Get the table name local linkTabName = elemType:match("table%-(.+)") -- -- Get one column name for the destination table -- col = conn:execute("SELECT Columns FROM "..preName.."DBMANAGE WHERE TableName='"..linkTabName.."';") -- if not col then -- return nil,"Wrong name in DBMANAGE for "..tabName.." key "..key.." linked table" -- end -- local linkTab = col:fetch({},"a") -- if not linkTab then -- return nil,"No entry for table:"..linkTabName.." Columns field. Database Corrupt!" -- end -- local colName = linkTab.Columns:match("(.-):") -- col = conn:execute("INSERT INTO "..linkTabName.."("..colName..") VALUES (NULL);") col = conn:execute("INSERT INTO "..linkTabName.." DEFAULT VALUES;") if not col then return nil,"Cannot write into table: "..linkTabName end conn:commit() col = conn:execute("SELECT last_insert_rowid();") if not col then return nil,"Cannot get the last written record's row ID" end linkTab = col:fetch({},"a") if not linkTab then return nil,"Cannot get the last written record's row ID" end recData[k] = linkTab["last_insert_rowid()"]..":"..linkTabName tabs[#tabs+1] = key tablesAdded[#tablesAdded+1]={v,linkTab["last_insert_rowid()"]..":"..linkTabName} local ret,msg = cache.writeTable(linkTab["last_insert_rowid()"]..":"..linkTabName,v,tablesAdded,hooks,gbgCheck,conn,setNil) if not ret then return nil,msg end end end -- if elemType:sub(1:5) == "table" then ends end -- if k>0 and row.Array then ends else -- Non table values go directly to recData recData[k] = v end -- if type(v) == "table" then ends end -- for k,v in pairs(t) do ends -- Now write the full record -- Write the defined type elements first for colName,colType in row.Columns:gmatch("(.-):(.-);") do local recKey if colName:sub(1,#preName) == preName and colName ~= preName.."ID" and colName ~= preName.."HOOKS" then recKey = tonumber(colName:sub(#preName+1,-1)) else recKey = colName end if recData[recKey] ~= nil then local data if colType == "string" then if type(recData[recKey]) == "string" then data = "'"..recData[recKey].."'" else data = "NULL" if not enforceTYPES then if not hooks[id] then hooks[id] = {} end hooks[id][recKey] = recData[recKey] end end elseif colType == "boolean" then if type(recData[recKey]) == "boolean" then if recData[recKey] then data = "1" else data = "0" end else data = "NULL" if not enforceTYPES then if not hooks[id] then hooks[id] = {} end hooks[id][recKey] = recData[recKey] end end elseif colType:sub(1,5) == "table" then local found for i = 1,#tabs do if colName == tabs[i] then -- This table was handled during table handling and recData should just have the string as the ID found = true break end end if found then data = "'"..recData[recKey].."'" else data = "NULL" if not enforceTYPES then if not hooks[id] then hooks[id] = {} end hooks[id][recKey] = recData[recKey] end end elseif colType == "number" then if type(recData[recKey]) == "number" then data = tostring(recData[recKey]) else data = "NULL" if not enforceTYPES then if not hooks[id] then hooks[id] = {} end hooks[id][recKey] = recData[recKey] end end else return nil,"Wrong column type for column:"..colName.." in table:"..tabName end col = conn:execute("UPDATE "..tabName.." SET "..colName.."="..data.." WHERE "..preName.."ID="..rid..";") recData[recKey] = nil elseif setNil[id] and setNil[id][recKey] then if colType:sub(1,5) == "table" then col = conn:execute("SELECT "..colName.." FROM "..tabName.." WHERE "..preName.."ID="..rid..";") if not col then return nil,"Cannot read the record table:"..tabName.." for ID:"..rid end local prevElem = col:fetch({},"a") if prevElem and prevElem[colName] then local found for i = 1,#gbgCheck do if gbgCheck[i] == prevElem[colName] then found = true break end end if not found then gbgCheck[#gbgCheck+1] = prevElem[colName] end end end col = conn:execute("UPDATE "..tabName.." SET "..colName.."=NULL WHERE "..preName.."ID="..rid..";") if not col then return nil,"Cannot write NULL in the the record table:"..tabName.." for ID:"..rid end setNil[id][recKey] = nil end -- if recData[recKey] then ends end -- for colName,colType in row.Columns:gmatch("(.-):(.-);") do ends -- Now write the Non-Table Array Elements if any i.e. all the Simple Elements of the array if row.Array then -- get the colType col = conn:execute("SELECT Columns,SimpleElementArray FROM "..preName.."DBMANAGE WHERE TableName='"..row.Array.."';") if not col then return nil,"Invalid Array table name given for table: "..tabName end local arrCols = col:fetch({},"a") if arrCols and arrCols.SimpleElementArray then local colType = arrCols.Columns:match(preName.."ELEM:(.-);") if not colType then return nil,"ELEM type data not written in Columns info in DBMANAGE for table: "..row.Array end for k,v in ipairs(recData) do local data, inHOOK if colType == "string" then if type(v) == "string" then data = "'"..v.."'" else data = "NULL" if not enforceTYPES then if not hooks[id] then hooks[id] = {} end hooks[id][k] = v inHOOK = true end end elseif colType == "boolean" then if type(v) == "boolean" then if v then data = "1" else data = "0" end else data = "NULL" if not enforceTYPES then if not hooks[id] then hooks[id] = {} end hooks[id][k] = v inHOOK = true end end elseif colType == "number" then if type(v) == "number" then data = tostring(v) else data = "NULL" if not enforceTYPES then if not hooks[id] then hooks[id] = {} end hooks[id][k] = v inHOOK = true end end else return nil,"Wrong column type for column:"..colName.." in table:"..tabName end col = conn:execute("SELECT CHILDID FROM "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS WHERE PARENTID='"..id.."' AND SEQNO='"..tostring(k).."';") if not col then return nil,"Cannot read from ARRAYELEMENTS Table" end local prevElem = col:fetch({},"a") local linkRec if not inHOOK then -- Put the element in row.Array col = conn:execute("INSERT INTO "..row.Array.."("..preName.."ELEM) VALUES("..data..");") if not col then return nil,"Cannot write into table: "..row.Array end conn:commit() col = conn:execute("SELECT last_insert_rowid();") if not col then return nil,"Cannot get the last written record's row ID" end linkRec = col:fetch({},"a") end if prevElem and prevElem.CHILDID then -- Put it in gbgCheck if not there local found for i = 1,#gbgCheck do if gbgCheck[i] == prevElem.CHILDID then found = true break end end if not found then gbgCheck[#gbgCheck+1] = prevElem.CHILDID end if not inHOOK then col = conn:execute("UPDATE "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS SET CHILDID='"..linkRec["last_insert_rowid()"]..":"..row.Array.."' WHERE PARENTID='"..id.."' AND SEQNO="..tostring(k)..";") else -- Delete the element col = conn:execute("DELETE FROM "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS WHERE PARENTID='"..id.."' AND SEQNO='"..tostring(k).."';") if not col then return nil,"Cannot delete row from table ARRAYELEMENTS" end end elseif not inHOOK then col = conn:execute("INSERT INTO "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS(PARENTID, CHILDID, SEQNO) VALUES ('"..id.."','"..linkRec["last_insert_rowid()"]..":"..row.Array.."',"..tostring(k)..");") end -- if col then ends here end -- for k,v in ipairs(recData) ends here else -- Since it does not have a simpleElement defined we place all values into HOOKS since they are not tables if not enforceTYPES then if not hooks[id] and #recData > 0 then hooks[id] = {} end for k,v in ipairs(recData) do hooks[id][k] = v end end end --if arrCols.SimpleElementArray then ends here -- Nullify the placed elements here for i=1,#recData do recData[i] = nil end end -- if row.Array then ends here -- Transfer the remaining to HOOKS for k,v in pairs(recData) do if not hooks[id] then hooks[id] = {} end hooks[id][k] = v end -- Remove all elements from the table here for k,v in pairs(t) do t[k] = nil end return true end, -- function writeTable ends here -- Function to write the changes into the database save = function(t) local tablesAdded = {} -- To record all tables added as records to the database to handle interlinks to those tables at other places local pHooks = {} -- To track data that possibly has to go into HOOKS local gbgCheck = {} -- To store record IDs of records that need to be garbage checked local curr,dbmng,rec local mt,conn,writeCache, readCache,setNil mt = getmetatable(t) if not mt or mt.__index ~= metaIndex then error("Table cannot be saved, it is not a tableDB table",2) end conn = mt.conn writeCache = mt.wc readCache = mt.rc setNil = mt.sn if tostring(conn):match("%(closed%)") then error("Database connection already closed.") end for k,v in pairs(writeCache) do assert(cache.writeTable(k,v,tablesAdded,pHooks,gbgCheck,conn,setNil)) end -- empty the writeCache for k,v in pairs(writeCache) do writeCache[k] = nil end -- empty the readCache for k,v in pairs(readCache) do readCache[k] = nil end -- Now check if any tables that were added to the database exist in the hooks tables and link them up for k,v in pairs(pHooks) do -- Check if this is a linked table for k1,v1 in pairs(v) do -- iterate over the keys for the record of ID k if type(v1) == "table" then local found local mt = getmetatable(v1) for i = 1,#tablesAdded do -- tablesAdded has table in the raw at index 1 and the ID of the table as a record where it is placed in the database if v1 == tablesAdded[i][1] then found = true -- created the linked table and replace here local lt = {} local mt = {ID=tablesAdded[i][2],__index = metaIndex,__newindex=metaNewIndex,conn=conn} setmetatable(lt,mt) pHooks[k][k1] = lt break elseif mt and mt.ID and mt.ID == tablesAdded[i][2] then found = true end end if not found then if mt and mt.__index and mt.__index == metaIndex then -- Write the remaining keys assert(cache.writeTable(mt.ID,v1,tablesAdded,pHooks,gbgCheck,conn,setNil)) else -- Flatten the table assert(cache.flattenHookTable(v1,tablesAdded,pHooks,gbgCheck,conn,setNil)) end end end -- if type(v1) == "table" then ends end -- for k1,v1 in pairs(v) do ends end -- write all hooks to the database here for k,v in pairs(pHooks) do local recID,tabName recID,tabName = k:match("(.-):(.+)") -- Get the DBMANAGE Columns and Array entry curr = conn:execute("SELECT Columns,Array FROM "..preName.."DBMANAGE WHERE TableName='"..tabName.."';") if not curr then error("Cannot read from DBMANAGE table") end dbmng = curr:fetch({},"a") --DBMANAGE row for this id table if not type(v) == "table" then error("Wrong format for hooks table") end if dbmng and dbmng.Array and ((dbmng.Array == '1' and enforceTYPES) or not enforceTYPES)then -- Check whether any element is an array element that can be written in the ARRAYELEMENTS table local placedIndices = {} for i=1,#v do if type(v[i]) == "table" then local mt=getmetatable(v[i]) if mt and mt.__index == metaIndex then -- This is a linked record so we can put this in the ARRAYELEMENTS table curr = conn:execute("SELECT CHILDID FROM "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS WHERE PARENTID='"..k.."' AND SEQNO='"..tostring(i).."';") if not curr then error("Cannot read from ARRAYELEMENTS table") end local prevElem = curr:fetch({},"a") if prevElem and prevElem.CHILDID then local found for i = 1,#gbgCheck do if gbgCheck[i] == prevElem.CHILDID then found = true break end end if not found then gbgCheck[#gbgCheck+1] = prevElem.CHILDID end curr = conn:execute("UPDATE "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS SET CHILDID='"..mt.ID.."' WHERE PARENTID='"..k.."' AND SEQNO="..tostring(i)..";") else curr = conn:execute("INSERT INTO "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS(PARENTID, CHILDID, SEQNO) VALUES ('"..k.."','"..mt.ID.."',"..tostring(i)..");") end -- if col then ends here placedIndices[#placedIndices + 1] = i end end end -- Nullify all placed indices for i = 1,#placedIndices do v[placedIndices[i]] = nil end end -- Check if a record exists curr = conn:execute("SELECT * FROM "..tabName.." WHERE "..preName.."ID="..recID..";") if not curr then error("Cannot read from table: "..tabName) end rec = curr:fetch({},"a") if rec and rec[preName.."ID"] then if rec[preName.."HOOKS"] then -- Get the HOOKS and add it to the current table local f,message = loadstring(rec[preName.."HOOKS"]) if not f then return nil,"Database Corrupted: Cannot compile HOOKS" end local safeenv = {metaIndex = metaIndex, metaNewIndex = metaNewIndex,getLen=getLen,conn=conn,rc=readCache,wc=writeCache,sn=setNil} setmetatable(safeenv,{__index = _G}) setfenv(f,safeenv) f() if safeenv.t0[colName] then for i,j in pairs(safeenv.t0) do if not v[i] then v[i] = j end end end end -- if rec[preName.."HOOKS"] then ends -- Execute the setNil loop adding any possible garbage to garbage check if setNil[k] then for i,j in pairs(setNil[k]) do if type(v[i]) == "table" then local meta = getmetatable(v[i]) if meta and meta.__index and meta.__index == metaIndex then -- This is a linked record -- Add this record to the gbgCheck table local found for m = 1,#gbgCheck do if gbgCheck[m] == meta.ID then found = true break end end if not found then gbgCheck[#gbgCheck+1] = meta.ID end end end v[i] = nil end end -- Now convert v to string and write it in the hooks entry local str = tableToString(v) curr = conn:execute("UPDATE "..tabName.." SET "..preName.."HOOKS='"..str.."' WHERE "..preName.."ID="..recID..";") else -- Execute the setNil loop adding any possible garbage to garbage check for i,j in pairs(setNil[k]) do if type(v[i]) == "table" then local meta = getmetatable(v[i]) if meta and meta.__index and meta.__index == metaIndex then -- This is a linked record -- Add this record to the gbgCheck table local found for m = 1,#gbgCheck do if gbgCheck[m] == meta.ID then found = true break end end if not found then gbgCheck[#gbgCheck+1] = meta.ID end end end v[i] = nil end -- Now convert v to string and write it in the hooks entry local str = tableToString(v) curr = conn:execute("INSERT INTO "..tabName.."("..preName.."HOOKS) VALUES ('"..str.."');") end -- if rec and rec[preName.."ID"] then ends - check if a record exists where the HOOK needs to be added end -- Writing hooks loop ends here -- empty the setNil table for k,v in pairs(setNil) do setNil[k] = nil end -- Now garbage check and clear -- Read all Table names and their columns curr = conn:execute("SELECT TableName,Columns,SimpleElementArray FROM "..preName.."DBMANAGE;") if not curr then error("Cannot read from DBMANAGE table") end dbmng = curr:fetch({},"a") --DBMANAGE row for this id table local allTabs = {} while dbmng do allTabs[#allTabs + 1] = {TableName=dbmng.TableName, SimpleElementArray=dbmng.SimpleElementArray,tableCols = {}} -- Find which columns are tables for this table for colName,colType in dbmng.Columns:gmatch("(.-):(.-);") do if colType:sub(1,5) == "table" then allTabs[#allTabs].tableCols[#allTabs[#allTabs].tableCols+1] = colName end end dbmng = curr:fetch({},"a") --DBMANAGE row for this id table end local finIndex = #gbgCheck local function collectChildren(ID) curr = conn:execute("SELECT * FROM "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS WHERE PARENTID='"..ID.."';") if not curr then error("Cannot read from ARRAYELEMENTS table") end rec = curr:fetch({},"a") while rec do finIndex = finIndex + 1 gbgCheck[finIndex] = rec.CHILDID rec = curr:fetch({},"a") end local rid,tabName rid,tabName = ID:match("(.-):(.+)") -- Now find all the other children of the record curr = conn:execute("SELECT * FROM "..tabName.." WHERE "..preName.."ID="..rid..";") if not curr then error("Cannot read from table:"..tabName) end rec = curr:fetch({},"a") for k = 1,#allTabs do if allTabs[k].TableName == tabName then -- Put all the children in gbgCheck for j = 1,#allTabs[k].tableCols do if rec[allTabs[k].tableCols[j]] then finIndex = finIndex + 1 gbgCheck[finIndex] = rec[allTabs[k].tableCols[j]] end end break end end -- Now get all the children in the HOOKS if rec[preName.."HOOKS"] then for child in rec[preName.."HOOKS"]:gmatch("{ID=(.-),__index=metaIndex,__newindex=metaNewIndex,__len=getLen,conn=conn,rc=rc,wc=wc,sn=sn}") do finIndex = finIndex + 1 gbgCheck[finIndex] = child end end -- if rec[preName.."HOOKS"] then ends end -- Loop through gbgCheck and see if any ID exist in tables local gbgIndex = 1 while gbgIndex <= finIndex do if gbgCheck[gbgIndex] then local found -- Check in ARRAYELEMENTS for CHILDIDs curr = conn:execute("SELECT * FROM "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS WHERE CHILDID='"..gbgCheck[gbgIndex].."';") if not curr then error("Cannot read from ARRAYELEMENTS table") end rec = curr:fetch({},"a") if rec and rec.CHILDID then -- Found a record that has this element as child element so this is not garbage found = true end if not found then -- Check each table type for each table in DBMANAGE for k = 1,#allTabs do -- Check if the table is linked in any tablCols if #allTabs[k].tableCols > 0 then -- Create query part to search ID in table local qu = "SELECT * FROM "..allTabs[k].TableName.." WHERE " for j = 1,#allTabs[k].tableCols do qu = qu..allTabs[k].tableCols[j].."='"..gbgCheck[gbgIndex].."' OR " end -- Remove the last OR qu = qu:sub(1,-5)..";" curr = conn:execute(qu) if not curr then error("Cannot read from table:"..allTabs[k].TableName) end rec = curr:fetch({},"a") if rec then for j,v in pairs(rec) do found = true break end end if found then break end end if not allTabs[k].SimpleElementArray or allTabs[k].SimpleElementArray == "0" then -- Check in each table HOOKS element for the gbgCheck IDs curr = conn:execute("SELECT * FROM "..allTabs[k].TableName.." WHERE "..preName.."HOOKS LIKE '%{ID="..gbgCheck[gbgIndex]..",__index=metaIndex,__newindex=metaNewIndex,__len=getLen,conn=conn,rc=rc,wc=wc,sn=sn})%';") if not curr then error("Cannot read from the HOOKS column of table:"..allTabs[k].TableName) end rec = curr:fetch({},"a") if rec then for j,v in pairs(rec) do found = true break end end end end -- for k = 1,#allTabs do ends if not found then -- This record needs to be deleted so add all children of this record to the gbgCheck table collectChildren(gbgCheck[gbgIndex]) -- delete the record from the database local recID,TabID recID,TabID = gbgCheck[gbgIndex]:match("(.-):(.+)") curr = conn:execute("DELETE FROM "..TabID.." WHERE "..preName.."ID="..recID..";") if not curr then error("Cannot delete record:"..gbgCheck[gbgIndex]) end -- Also delete any parent references from ARRAYELEMENTS if any curr = conn:execute("SELECT * FROM "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS WHERE PARENTID='"..gbgCheck[gbgIndex].."';") if not curr then error("Cannot read from ARRAYELEMENTS table") end rec = curr:fetch({},"a") if rec then curr = conn:execute("DELETE FROM "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS WHERE PARENTID='"..gbgCheck[gbgIndex].."';") if not curr then error("Cannot delete parent reference:"..gbgCheck[gbgIndex].." from ARRAYELEMENTS table.") end end gbgCheck[gbgIndex] = nil gbgIndex = 1 else gbgIndex = gbgIndex + 1 end else gbgIndex = gbgIndex + 1 end -- if not found then ends else -- if gbgCheck[gbgIndex] then ends gbgIndex = gbgIndex + 1 end -- if gbgCheck[gbgIndex] then ends end -- while gbgIndex < finIndex do ends end, -- Function to be placed in the record metatable indexFunc = function(t,k) local mt = getmetatable(t) if not mt.ID or not mt.__index or not mt.__index==metaIndex then return nil end if tostring(mt.conn):match("%(closed%)") then error("Database already closed.",2) end local readCache = mt.rc local writeCache = mt.wc local setNil = mt.sn if setNil[mt.ID] and setNil[mt.ID][k] then return nil else if writeCache[mt.ID] and writeCache[mt.ID][k] then return writeCache[mt.ID][k] elseif readCache[mt.ID] and readCache[mt.ID][k] then return readCache[mt.ID][k] else local data,msg data,msg = cache.readDB(mt.ID,k,mt.conn,readCache,writeCache,setNil) if not msg then -- data can be nil if there is no data and also if there is error return data else error(msg,2) end end end -- if setNil ends here end, newIndexFunc = function(t,k,v) local mt = getmetatable(t) if mt.ID and mt.__index and mt.__index == metaIndex then local writeCache = mt.wc local setNil = mt.sn if v==nil then if not setNil[mt.ID] then setNil[mt.ID] = {} end setNil[mt.ID][k] = true if not writeCache[mt.ID] then writeCache[mt.ID] = {} end else if setNil[mt.ID] and setNil[mt.ID][k] then setNil[mt.ID][k] = nil end if not writeCache[mt.ID] then writeCache[mt.ID] = {} end end writeCache[mt.ID][k] = v end end } metaIndex = cache.indexFunc metaNewIndex = cache.newIndexFunc getTable = function(t) local mt = getmetatable(t) local rid,tabName, retTab retTab = {} rid,tabName = mt.ID:match("(.-):(.+)") local curr = mt.conn:execute("SELECT Columns,Array FROM "..preName.."DBMANAGE WHERE TableName='"..tabName.."';") if not curr then return nil,"Invalid Table Name in id:"..mt.ID end local dbmng = curr:fetch({},"a") --DBMANAGE row for this id table if not dbmng then return nil,"No entry in DBMANAGE table for the table:"..tabName end -- Also get the record for this ID curr = mt.conn:execute("SELECT * FROM "..tabName.." WHERE "..preName.."ID="..rid..";") if not curr then return nil,"Invalid ID:Table Name:"..mt.ID end local rec = curr:fetch({},"a") if not rec then return nil,"Invalid ID:Table Name: "..mt.ID end -- Collect the basic record data first for colName,colType in dbmng.Columns:gmatch("(.-):(.-);") do local recKey if colName:sub(1,#preName) == preName and colName ~= preName.."ID" and colName ~= preName.."HOOKS" then recKey = tonumber(colName:sub(#preName+1,-1)) else recKey = colName end if rec[colName] ~= nil then if colType == "string" then retTab[recKey] = rec[colName] elseif colType == "boolean" then if rec[colName] == "0" then retTab[recKey] = false else retTab[recKey] = true end elseif colType == "number" then retTab[recKey] = tonumber(rec[colName]) elseif colType:sub(1,5) == "table" then local st = {} local metaT = {ID = rec[colName], __index = metaIndex, __newindex=metaNewIndex,__len=getLen,conn=mt.conn,rc=mt.rc,wc=mt.wc,sn=mt.sn} setmetatable(st,metaT) retTab[recKey] = st else return nil,"Wrong column type for column:"..colName.." in table:"..tabName end -- if colType == "string" then ends end -- if rec[colName] ~= nil then ends end -- for colName,colType ends here -- Collect the Hooks data if rec[preName.."HOOKS"] then local f,message = loadstring(rec[preName.."HOOKS"]) if not f then return nil,"Database Corrupted: Cannot compile HOOKS" end local safeenv = {metaIndex = metaIndex, metaNewIndex = metaNewIndex,getLen=getLen,conn=mt.conn,rc=mt.rc,wc=mt.wc,sn=mt.sn} setmetatable(safeenv,{__index = _G}) setfenv(f,safeenv) f() for k,v in pairs(safeenv.t0) do retTab[k] = v end end -- Collect the ARRAYELEMENTS data curr = mt.conn:execute("SELECT * FROM "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS WHERE PARENTID='"..mt.ID.."';") if not curr then return nil, "Cannot read from ARRAYELEMENTS table" end local arrElem = curr:fetch({},"a") while arrElem do if arrElem.CHILDID then -- Now to check if the array element is a simple element or a table local arrElemID, arrElemTab, simp arrElemID,arrElemTab = arrElem.CHILDID:match("(.-):(.+)") local curr1 = mt.conn:execute("SELECT SimpleElementArray,Columns FROM "..preName.."DBMANAGE WHERE TableName='"..arrElemTab.."';") if not curr1 then return nil,"Cannot read from DBMANAGE table" end simp = curr1:fetch({},"a") if simp and simp.SimpleElementArray then -- It is a simpleElement array so we have to pick the element directly curr1 = mt.conn:execute("SELECT "..preName.."ELEM FROM "..arrElemTab.." WHERE "..preName.."ID="..arrElemID..";") if not curr1 then return nil,"Cannot read from table:"..arrElemTab end local sarrElem = curr1:fetch({},"a") if not sarrElem then return nil,"No entry in table:"..arrElemTab.." for ID="..arrElemID.." linked in the ARRAYELEMENTS table. Database Corrupt!" end local colType colType = simp.Columns:match(preName.."ELEM:(.-);") if colType == "string" then retTab[tonumber(arrElem.SEQNO)] = sarrElem[preName.."ELEM"] elseif colType == "boolean" then if sarrElem[preName.."ELEM"] == "0" then retTab[tonumber(arrElem.SEQNO)] = false else retTab[tonumber(arrElem.SEQNO)] = true end elseif colType == "number" then retTab[tonumber(arrElem.SEQNO)] = tonumber(sarrElem[preName.."ELEM"]) else return nil,"Wrong column type for element column in table:"..arrElemTab end -- if colType == "string" then ends else local st = {} local metaT = {ID = arrElem.CHILDID, __index = metaIndex, __newindex=metaNewIndex,__len=getLen,conn=mt.conn,rc=mt.rc,wc=mt.wc,sn=mt.sn} setmetatable(st,metaT) retTab[tonumber(arrElem.SEQNO)] = st end end -- if not arrElem.CHILDID then ends arrElem = curr:fetch(arrElem,"a") end -- while arrElem ends here -- Collect the writeCache data if mt.wc[mt.ID] then for k,v in pairs(mt.wc[mt.ID]) do retTab[k] = v end end -- Collect the setNil data if mt.sn[mt.ID] then for k,v in pairs(mt.sn[mt.ID]) do retTab[k] = nil end end return retTab end -- Metafunction to get the function length getLen = function(t) local mt = getmetatable(t) local rid,tabName, numKeys numKeys = {} rid,tabName = mt.ID:match("(.-):(.+)") local curr = mt.conn:execute("SELECT Columns,Array FROM "..preName.."DBMANAGE WHERE TableName='"..tabName.."';") if not curr then return nil,"Invalid Table Name in id:"..mt.ID end local dbmng = curr:fetch({},"a") --DBMANAGE row for this id table if not dbmng then return nil,"No entry in DBMANAGE table for the table:"..tabName end -- Also get the record for this ID curr = mt.conn:execute("SELECT * FROM "..tabName.." WHERE "..preName.."ID="..rid..";") if not curr then return nil,"Invalid ID:Table Name:"..mt.ID end local rec = curr:fetch({},"a") if not rec then return nil,"Invalid ID:Table Name: "..mt.ID end for colName,colType in dbmng.Columns:gmatch("(.-):(.-);") do if colName:sub(1,#preName) == preName and colName ~= preName.."ID" and colName ~= preName.."HOOKS" then numKeys[tonumber(colName:sub(#preName+1,-1))] = true end end -- read the HOOKS if rec[preName.."HOOKS"] then local f,message = loadstring(rec[preName.."HOOKS"]) if not f then return nil,"Database Corrupted: Cannot compile HOOKS" end local safeenv = {metaIndex = metaIndex, metaNewIndex = metaNewIndex,getLen=getLen,conn=mt.conn,rc=mt.rc,wc=mt.wc,sn=mt.sn} setmetatable(safeenv,{__index = _G}) setfenv(f,safeenv) f() for k,v in pairs(safeenv.t0) do if type(k) == "number" then numKeys[k] = true end end end -- Now read the ARRAYELEMENTS curr = mt.conn:execute("SELECT * FROM "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS WHERE PARENTID='"..mt.ID.."';") if not curr then error("Cannot read from ARRAYELEMENTS table") end rec = curr:fetch({},"a") while rec do numKeys[tonumber(rec.SEQNO)] = true rec = curr:fetch(rec,"a") end -- Now see the max seq indexes local i = 1 local done while not done do if numKeys[i] then i = i + 1 else done = true end end return i end -- Creates lua code for a table which when executed will create a table t0 which would be the same as the originally passed table -- Handles the following types for keys and values: -- Keys: Number, String, Table -- Values: Number, String, Table, Boolean -- It also handles recursive and interlinked tables to recreate them back -- DEVIATION FROM STANDARD: -- If the value is a table with a metatable __index==metaindex then the value's metatable is maintained function tableToString(t) local rL = {cL = 1} -- Table to track recursion into nested tables (cL = current recursion level) rL[rL.cL] = {} local tabIndex = {} -- Table to store a list of tables indexed into a string and their variable name local latestTab = 0 do rL[rL.cL]._f,rL[rL.cL]._s,rL[rL.cL]._var = pairs(t) rL[rL.cL].str = "t0={}" -- t0 would be the main table rL[rL.cL].t = t -- table at this recursion level rL[rL.cL].tabIndex = 0 -- table index concatenated with variable t to create unique table variable name tabIndex[t] = rL[rL.cL].tabIndex while true do local key local k,v = rL[rL.cL]._f(rL[rL.cL]._s,rL[rL.cL]._var) rL[rL.cL]._var = k if not k and rL.cL == 1 then break elseif not k then -- go up in recursion level --print("GOING UP: "..rL[rL.cL].str.."}") rL[rL.cL-1].str = rL[rL.cL-1].str.."\n"..rL[rL.cL].str rL.cL = rL.cL - 1 if rL[rL.cL].vNotDone then -- This was a key recursion so add the key string and then doV key = "t"..rL[rL.cL].tabIndex.."[t"..tostring(rL[rL.cL+1].tabIndex).."]" rL[rL.cL].str = rL[rL.cL].str.."\n"..key.."=" v = rL[rL.cL].vNotDone end rL[rL.cL+1] = nil else -- Handle the key and value here if type(k) == "number" then key = "t"..rL[rL.cL].tabIndex.."["..tostring(k).."]" rL[rL.cL].str = rL[rL.cL].str.."\n"..key.."=" elseif type(k) == "string" then key = "t"..rL[rL.cL].tabIndex.."."..tostring(k) rL[rL.cL].str = rL[rL.cL].str.."\n"..key.."=" else -- Table key -- Check if the table already exists if tabIndex[k] then key = "t"..rL[rL.cL].tabIndex.."[t"..tabIndex[k].."]" rL[rL.cL].str = rL[rL.cL].str.."\n"..key.."=" else -- Go deeper to stringify this table latestTab = latestTab + 1 rL[rL.cL].str = rL[rL.cL].str.."\nt"..tostring(latestTab).."={}" -- New table rL[rL.cL].vNotDone = v rL.cL = rL.cL + 1 rL[rL.cL] = {} rL[rL.cL]._f,rL[rL.cL]._s,rL[rL.cL]._var = pairs(k) rL[rL.cL].tabIndex = latestTab rL[rL.cL].t = k rL[rL.cL].str = "" tabIndex[k] = rL[rL.cL].tabIndex end -- if tabIndex[k] then ends end -- if type(k)ends end -- if not k and rL.cL == 1 then ends if key then rL[rL.cL].vNotDone = nil if type(v) == "table" then -- Check if this table is already indexed if tabIndex[v] then rL[rL.cL].str = rL[rL.cL].str.."t"..tabIndex[v] else local mt = getmetatable(v) if mt and mt.__index and mt.__index == metaindex then local ID = mt.ID rL[rL.cL].str = rL[rL.cL].str.."{}\nsetmetatable("..key..",{ID="..ID..",__index=metaIndex,__newindex=metaNewIndex,__len=getLen,conn=conn,rc=rc,wc=wc,sn=sn})\n" else -- Go deeper in recursion latestTab = latestTab + 1 rL[rL.cL].str = rL[rL.cL].str.."{}" rL[rL.cL].str = rL[rL.cL].str.."\nt"..tostring(latestTab).."="..key -- New table rL.cL = rL.cL + 1 rL[rL.cL] = {} rL[rL.cL]._f,rL[rL.cL]._s,rL[rL.cL]._var = pairs(v) rL[rL.cL].tabIndex = latestTab rL[rL.cL].t = v rL[rL.cL].str = "" tabIndex[v] = rL[rL.cL].tabIndex --print("GOING DOWN:",k) end end elseif type(v) == "number" then rL[rL.cL].str = rL[rL.cL].str..tostring(v) --print(k,"=",v) elseif type(v) == "boolean" then rL[rL.cL].str = rL[rL.cL].str..tostring(v) else rL[rL.cL].str = rL[rL.cL].str..string.format("%q",tostring(v)) --print(k,"=",v) end -- if type(v) == "table" then ends end -- if doV then ends end -- while true ends here end -- do ends return rL[rL.cL].str end -- Function to validate the data creation template local function validateTemplate(template,tableChain) local hasArray, hasNumKeys if not tableChain then tableChain = {} -- Contains the references to the tables in the hierarchy of the table passed to validateTemplate -- This allows to check recursive templates and skip traversing in the recursive loop infinitely end -- Values can only be Boolean, Number, String and Tables -- Keys can only be numbers or strings for k,v in pairs(template) do if type(k) ~= "number" and type(k) ~= "string" then return nil,"Key not a number or string in the template table" elseif type(v) ~= "boolean" and type(v) ~= "number" and type(v) ~= "string" and type(v) ~= "table" then return nil,"Value not of type boolean,number,string or table" end if type(k) == "string" and k == "__ARRAY" then hasArray = true end if type(k) == "number" and k > 0 then hasNumKeys = true end if type(v) == "table" and k ~= "__ARRAY" then local found for i=1,#tableChain do if tableChain[i] == v then found = true -- Table already investigated so no need to go in again break end end if not found then tableChain[#tableChain + 1] = v local ret,msg = validateTemplate(v,tableChain) if not ret then return nil,msg end end end end -- for k,v in pairs(template) do ends -- If a table has an ARRAY type then it cannot have natural number keys if hasArray and hasNumKeys then return nil, "Table cannot have natural number keys as well as an ARRAY type" end -- ARRAY definitions just have 1 element if hasArray then local numElems = 0 for k,v in pairs(template.__ARRAY) do numElems = numElems + 1 end if numElems > 1 then return nil, "ARRAY definitions should only have 1 element defining the data in the array" end end return true end local function file_exists(file) local f = io.open(file, "rb") if f then f:close() end return f ~= nil end saveDB = function(table) cache.save(table) end -- Function to return the module version number Version = function() return "" end openDB = function(database) if not file_exists(database) then error("Cannot find database file!") return end local conn = env:connect(database) -- Create the database pointer here and return it local curr = conn:execute("SELECT * FROM ldb1_DBROOT;") if not curr then error("Cannot read or find DBROOT table. Not a valid database file.") end local rec = curr:fetch({},"a") if rec and not rec[preName.."ID"] then error("Cannot find ID in database record. Database not valid") end local t = {} -- table to pass on local metaT = {ID = rec[preName.."ID"]..":ldb1_DBROOT", __index = metaIndex,__newindex=metaNewIndex,__len=getLen, conn=conn,rc={},wc={},sn={}} setmetatable(t,metaT) return t end closeDB = function(t) local mt = getmetatable(t) if not mt or not mt.__index or not mt.__index == metaIndex then return nil,"Not a TableDB table" end if tostring(mt.conn):match("%(closed%)") then return nil,"Database already closed" end collectgarbage("collect") mt.conn:commit() return mt.conn:close() end -- Populates t with the following keys: -- 1. TableName -- 2. NumOfCol -- 3. Columns -- 4. Array -- 5. SimpleElementArray -- 6. DefTable local function populateDBmanage(t,name,ts) local currIndex = #t+1 t[currIndex] = { ["TableName"] = "ldb"..tostring(currIndex).."_"..name, -- Prepend a unique identifier to the table name to take care of the possibility of similar names at different hierarchy levels ["DefTable"] = ts } if ts[preName.."SimpleElementArray"] then t[currIndex].SimpleElementArray = '1' -- true value else t[currIndex].SimpleElementArray = 'NULL' end local numCols = 0 local cols = "" for k,v in pairs(ts) do if k ~= preName.."SimpleElementArray" then numCols = numCols + 1 if type(k) == "number" then -- Number index on the table cols = cols..preName..tostring(k)..":" if type(v) == "table" then local found for i = 1,#t do if v==t[i].DefTable then found = i break end end if not found then found = populateDBmanage(t,preName..tostring(k),v) end cols = cols.."table-"..t[found].TableName..";" else cols = cols..type(v)..";" end elseif k == "__ARRAY" then -- Array type defined in the table numCols = numCols - 1 -- Array does not have a column in the normal record just the elements in the table ARRAYELEMENTS -- Get the ARRAY element local elemKey,elemVal for i,j in pairs(v) do -- There should be at most 1 item in the __ARRAY definition elemKey = i elemVal = j break end if elemKey then -- Optional to specify the array element. That way it can link to any already defined element if type(elemVal) == "table" then local found for i = 1,#t do if elemVal==t[i].DefTable then found = i break end end if not found then found = populateDBmanage(t,elemKey,elemVal) end t[currIndex].Array = "'"..t[found].TableName.."'" else local tdef = {[preName.."ELEM"] = elemVal, [preName.."SimpleElementArray"] = true} local found = populateDBmanage(t,elemKey,tdef) t[currIndex].Array = "'"..t[found].TableName.."'" end else t[currIndex].Array = "'1'" -- true value end else -- This is a string index cols = cols..k..":" if type(v) == "table" then local found for i = 1,#t do if v==t[i].DefTable then found = i break end end if not found then found = populateDBmanage(t,k,v) end cols = cols.."table-"..t[found].TableName..";" else cols = cols..type(v)..";" end end -- if type(k) == "number" then ends end -- if k ~= preName.."SimpleElementArray" then ends end -- for k,v in pairs(ts) do ends if not t[currIndex].Array then t[currIndex].Array = 'NULL' end t[currIndex].NumOfCol = numCols t[currIndex].Columns = cols return currIndex end -- function populateDBmanage(t,name,ts,isArray) ends here createDB = function(database,template,overwrite) local result,err result,err = validateTemplate(template) if not result then error(err) end if file_exists(database) and not overwrite then error("Database file already exists!") elseif file_exists(database) then os.remove(database) end -- Now create the database stucture as flat tables local dbManage = { [0] = { ["TableName"] = "", ["NumOfCol"] = 0, ["Columns"] = "Name1:string;Name2:number;", ["Array"] = "TableName"; ["SimpleElementArray"] = true, ["DefTable"] = {} } } populateDBmanage(dbManage,"DBROOT",template) local conn = env:connect(database) -- Create the DB Manage table here local curr = conn:execute([[CREATE TABLE ]]..preName..[[DBMANAGE (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, TableName TEXT, NumOfCol INTEGER, Columns TEXT, Array TEXT, SimpleElementArray BOOLEAN, DefTable TEXT);]]) if not curr then error("Cannot create database table.") end -- Create the Array Elements table here curr = conn:execute("CREATE TABLE "..preName.."ARRAYELEMENTS (ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, PARENTID TEXT, CHILDID TEXT, SEQNO INTEGER);") if not curr then error("Cannot create database table.") end -- Now create the database of all tables listed in the dbManage table for i = 1,#dbManage do -- Add entry in DBMANAGE curr = conn:execute([[INSERT INTO ]]..preName..[[DBMANAGE(TableName,NumOfCol,Columns,Array,SimpleElementArray,DefTable) VALUES (']]..dbManage[i].TableName.."',"..dbManage[i].NumOfCol..",'"..dbManage[i].Columns.."',"..dbManage[i].Array..","..dbManage[i].SimpleElementArray..",'"..tableToString(dbManage[i].DefTable)..[[');]]) if not curr then error("Cannot write data into DBMANAGE table") end -- Create table for the entry here local cols if dbManage[i].SimpleElementArray == '1' then -- SimpleElementArray records do not have HOOKS since the HOOKS go into the parent record cols = preName.."ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY" else cols = preName.."ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,"..preName.."HOOKS TEXT" end for c in dbManage[i].Columns:gmatch("(.-);") do local n,t n,t = c:match("(.-):(.+)") if t == "string" then t = "TEXT" elseif t == "number" then t = "REAL" elseif t == "boolean" then t = "BOOLEAN" else -- Table link t = "TEXT" end cols = cols..","..n.." "..t end curr = conn:execute("CREATE TABLE "..dbManage[i].TableName.." ("..cols..");") if not curr then error("Cannot create table:"..dbManage[1].TableName.." in database",2) end end -- Add entry in DBROOT to point to the database root curr = conn:execute("INSERT INTO "..dbManage[1].TableName.."("..preName.."HOOKS) VALUES (NULL);") if not curr then error("Cannot create database entries.") end conn:commit() -- Get the ID of this record curr = conn:execute("SELECT last_insert_rowid();") if not curr then error("Cannot get the last written record's row ID") end local row = curr:fetch({},"a") if not row then error("Cannot get the last written record's row ID") end -- Now to create a database object to return local t = {} -- table to pass on local readCache = {} local writeCache = {} -- writeCache is needed to keep track of all the data written so that it is not floating in generated tables which are not tracked local setNil = {} -- This stores the keys that have to be set to nil in the existing records the structure is that there are ID keys (ID:TableName) and each key has a table containing keys (with values true) who have to be set to NULL local metaT = {ID = row["last_insert_rowid()"]..":ldb1_DBROOT", __index = metaIndex,__newindex=metaNewIndex, __len=getLen,conn=conn, rc = readCache, wc=writeCache,sn=setNil} setmetatable(t,metaT) conn:commit() return t end