Assemble all device data in your design spreadsheet
Find out if the Bipolar devices are properly modeled for saturation region or at least the model knows when the transistor goes into saturation.
Create the device characterization schematics and simulate them over corners and verify electrical parameters
Create the gm/Id vs Id/(W/L) semi-log graphs for the MOS transistors of the process. For Cadence the process is described here Getting gm by Id vs Id by W by L graphs in Cadence. A typical graphs looks like as follows:
For a BiCMOS process do a comparison between bipolar and MOS current mirror match. Do an area comparison for mirrors with the same matching.
Do an analysis if having resistor degeneration in MOS produces better matching with less area compared to just sizing up the MOS device.
Do rough simulations to compare the Ballpark Numbers numbers for the process.
Create a process caution list to be followed, for example if the process does not have isolated devices then analog blocks should be created with proper isolation with guard rings, and things like this, etc.